About This Blog

This blog features: neighborhood restaurants, nearby restaurants, downtown restaurants, Casa View Shopping Center, nearby shopping, Downtown shops.

I will first list places and my connections with them. For the spirit of completeness, I will then list other places, known to me but not visited. I choose not to list the unknown.

I like the section entitled Places I Wish I Had Visited.

My focus is places and locations which existed from 1953, when I moved to Dallas, until 1965, when I graduated from high school. This list will continue with my college years, until I turned 21. I left Dallas in 1969 and, as I did not return except to visit my parents until 1973, my memory of East Dallas ends at that time.

Some categories were easy to separate – restaurants and shopping. Some experiences are not so easy to categorize, but are still meaningful. They may be all lumped in together, and then teased out as other connections are made.

Music wise, we may have thought we were born of the “wrong generation.” I always thought the older generation (i.e. 3 to 4 years older than me) had a richer and deeper experience.

But we, the beginning of the Baby Boomer generation, had it best – stable family life, rising expectations for the middle class and parents who wanted to give so much to their children, which most did not have in their childhood. We were left to play and roam outdoors to make our own fun. We had the best toys and the best music.

And yet we lived in tumultuous times – the Cold War, Civil Rights, Integration and the Kennedy Assassination through the killings of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

Hopefully we came out as loving, caring, sharing adults whose experiences made us better people and gave us the ability to show appreciation and gratitude for the neighborhood and experiences which enriched us and our loved ones.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Prominent Homes in the Area - Like H.L. Hunt's Home on the Lake

I use the word "prominent" to define three types of homes which attracted me while growing up in Casa View.  Some were in my own neighborhood, some were around White Rock Lake and one house was in Lakewood.

I was attracted to "opulent" homes in my way of thinking.  Historic homes which anchored me back to earlier times.  And houses that were understandably "quirky" through no fault of their own.

The two most "opulent" home anchored both the south shore and the north shore of White Rock Lake.
Belle Nora on Garland Road across from White Rock Lake on the south.  I always wished I could live in a house which had a manor.  I tried to name my house in North Oak Cliff "Seton Manor" in honor of the former residents, but my wife would have none of it.

H.L. Hunt's house, "Mount Vernon," on the north side of White Rock Lake at 4009 W. Lawther Lane was a 10 acre estate.  It was featured in countless magazines and newspapers.  Always photographed was the hand carved staircase.  Hunt and his family lived there from 1938 until 2000.

Mayor R.L. Thornton's house on Gaston and West Shore Drive near Lakewood Country Club.  I would look at this house while riding the bus into downtown Dallas.  The two-story house was set in a low spot, featured iron gates, rock walls and turrets.  It looked like a castle as far away as you can get from the Bermuda-style homes in my neighborhood.

Ranch Style modern house near Belle Nora at 8234 Garland.  You could look in through the large plate glass windows in this sprawling house and see a TV set flat against a wall.  How modern and sleek.  I usually watched TV in our living room laid out on the floor with a cushion behind my head.  How did they watch their TV?

Another low-slung house was the Trapeze Artist house at 1960 Peavy Road between Estacado and Milmar.  Since elementary school we heard that "circus performers" lived in the house.  They were actually trapeze artists.  Who knew?

Two houses always intrigued me.  One house had a lake in front of it.,  Next door to 1806 Peavy Road and the other at 2440 Peavy Road which had a lake in the back.  Imagine having water in your own back yard!  We had to walk at least three blocks to a creek for our feet to touch any waters.  The huge lawns were always mowed and always had blooming flowers, especially large beds of yellow and blue irises.

The two-story wooden house at 1720 Gus Thomasson between Aledo and Desdemona Drive.  It was an old farm house.  As a kid, it looked run down without a single crop or vegetable planted.  A small house, probably used by the farm's workers, sat close to the street at 1802 Gus Thomasson.  Today the rehabilitated large house is used by a two-story church occupying most of the land.

Another farm house sat facing where Milmar and Peavy Road come together at one end of the Bryan Adams high school complex.  At 2120 Milmar, you did not have to go very far to see our agricultural roots.

The Hart family home at 2241 Hartline right around the corner from where I grew up.  Our house occupied their mule barn.  So they told me.  The Hart family will be treated in a separate article.
Quirkiness came with all the houses which constructed the Little Forest Hills neighborhood.  A little too far to go by bike.  I would look at all the houses from the bus window going into downtown.


  1. We lived at Peavy Rd. and Edgelake when I was growing up . It was one of the best views in Dallas, overlooking White Rock Lake and downtown Dallas. I used to sit out on the big front porch and look at the moon. I remember all of the above mentioned houses, loved the Thornton mansion on E. Grand. All my relatives lived in Forest Hills, big, huge trees, acre and half acre lots and lots of shade in summer with the cicades chirping. Loved to spend the night with my grandparents on Santa Clara.

  2. I think I lived all over Dallas (bebopping between relatives that would put up with me) but my favorite residence was when I moved back in with Mom and her second?, no third husband (he was president of the Civic Reading Club) at 1414 Buckner Blvd just south of Casa Linda. Had a swimin pool, fruit orchard and a passel of step brothers and sisters who were all bad influences. This house is directly across Buckner Blvd from an enormous creepy edifice covered with religious statuary (we called it the Convent) and were sure it was haunted and never set foot on the property, though we made ourselves at home running pell-mell across everyone else's property.

    Reinhardt was the weirdest old school with the strangest kids (one "Ovie Ray" killed 20 cartons of chocolate milk for lunch and promptly upchucked and another guy liked to start fires in the trash cans and once hopped a freight train to Midalothian, true story) and in the DISD only topped for bizarreness by R. T Hill (Um, we moved North after a year or two to Charing Cross Dr.) as the city started bussing in ' 71 and the place was a war zone.

    Thankfully we moved to South Texas the next year but eventually ended up back in Big "D". BA Srs ' 77, yeah!
