About This Blog

This blog features: neighborhood restaurants, nearby restaurants, downtown restaurants, Casa View Shopping Center, nearby shopping, Downtown shops.

I will first list places and my connections with them. For the spirit of completeness, I will then list other places, known to me but not visited. I choose not to list the unknown.

I like the section entitled Places I Wish I Had Visited.

My focus is places and locations which existed from 1953, when I moved to Dallas, until 1965, when I graduated from high school. This list will continue with my college years, until I turned 21. I left Dallas in 1969 and, as I did not return except to visit my parents until 1973, my memory of East Dallas ends at that time.

Some categories were easy to separate – restaurants and shopping. Some experiences are not so easy to categorize, but are still meaningful. They may be all lumped in together, and then teased out as other connections are made.

Music wise, we may have thought we were born of the “wrong generation.” I always thought the older generation (i.e. 3 to 4 years older than me) had a richer and deeper experience.

But we, the beginning of the Baby Boomer generation, had it best – stable family life, rising expectations for the middle class and parents who wanted to give so much to their children, which most did not have in their childhood. We were left to play and roam outdoors to make our own fun. We had the best toys and the best music.

And yet we lived in tumultuous times – the Cold War, Civil Rights, Integration and the Kennedy Assassination through the killings of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

Hopefully we came out as loving, caring, sharing adults whose experiences made us better people and gave us the ability to show appreciation and gratitude for the neighborhood and experiences which enriched us and our loved ones.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Games - We Played a Lot of Board Games

We played a lot of board games…

Four Square
Tether Ball
String games like Cats in the Cradle
Dodge Ball
Hop Scotch
Jump Rope - jump rope rhymes, Double Dutch "salt" - slow it down, "pepper" speed it up

Tug of War
Basketball games - Horse and Twenty-One

Games you play at school, but never at home:
Ring Around the Rosey
London Bridge

Mulberry Bush
May Pole
Dodge Ball
Musical Chairs
Tether Ball
Card Games:
Rummy, Gin Rummy
Crazy Eights

Black Jack
Go Fish
Games You Can't Quite Classify:
Hang Man
Hot and Cold
Stoop Ball
Stick Ball - New York City style

Make That ?
How to Choose Sides:
One potato, two potato, three potato, four ...
Eeenie, mennie, minnie, moe.  Catch a tiger by the toe, my mother told me to choose this very one

What do you do when:
You cross a bridge?  Hold your feet off the car floor.
You enter a tunnel?  Get your dad to honk the horn.
Pass a graveyard?  Whistle

I find it interesting that my sister and I played so many board games, but we never owned Monopoly or Clue, two of the most popular games of the era.  We always played the games at friends’ houses however.
I could shout out Colonel Mustard in the green room with a Monkey wrench as good as anybody.
The streets and railroads on the Monopoly board are as familiar as the streets in my own neighborhood.  I could easily visualize Marvin Gardens, the Boardwalk, Kentucky Avenue, Atlantic Avenue, the Reading and B+D Railroad Depots, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Illinois, the Water Works and the Electric Company.

The rich proprietor on Park Place always resembled Highland Park.
Paying into the Community Chest was the price you paid for good citizenship.  Free Parking was just that.  You could always count on luck and good fortune with a Get Out of Jail Free card.

Parker Brothers game company began selling Monopoly, a real estate trading game, in 1935.

I don't remember playing games with my parents.  I remember playing cards - I think I learned to count with cards by playing all variations of rummy.  I still have a hard time saying 11, 12, 13 and 14 when it should be Jack, Queen, King and Ace!

I found the Hoyle book of Card games, and with my sister or friends we learned to play Hearts, Pinochle, Black Jack, Poker and even Whist, and early form of Bridge.  We always had decks of cards in the house.  My parents played cards when they visited their friends.

We had poker chips - an old set from my parents family, with clay-coated white, red and blue chips in a round dark Walnut holder.  We had a cheap plastic set, but we always had the older ones.

Our rule with board games - once you're through you put everything away, board pieces in one tray, money sorted by denominations in their own specific tray.

My wife was amazed some twenty years later visiting the room I grew up in.  There in the closet were all the board games stacked neatly, all the pieces and money still intact.  She came from a family of three other sisters and a brother - nothing stayed together for long.

We played Pick-up Sticks, Jacks, and Tiddly-Winks.

We had a roulette wheel with board, plus Chinese Checkers.

Early board games included Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders.

We played Chess and Checkers.  On the back of the checkerboard was a Parcheesi layout which we never learned to play.

We had Monopoly and our favorite, the game of Life.

We always played at others houses, so we never felt a need to have the game ourselves.  Clue.  We always knew it was Colonel Mustard in the Green Room with a Monkey Wrench.

I had a dart board on my closet door in my bedroom.  We played darts forever.  Even in high school people would stop by on their way home from classes to shoot darts.  I sharpened their points with a file.  We were more enthusiastic than accurate, and the whole wall became covered with minute dart holes.  My mother never said a thing, preferring us here than hanging out somewhere else getting into trouble.


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