About This Blog

This blog features: neighborhood restaurants, nearby restaurants, downtown restaurants, Casa View Shopping Center, nearby shopping, Downtown shops.

I will first list places and my connections with them. For the spirit of completeness, I will then list other places, known to me but not visited. I choose not to list the unknown.

I like the section entitled Places I Wish I Had Visited.

My focus is places and locations which existed from 1953, when I moved to Dallas, until 1965, when I graduated from high school. This list will continue with my college years, until I turned 21. I left Dallas in 1969 and, as I did not return except to visit my parents until 1973, my memory of East Dallas ends at that time.

Some categories were easy to separate – restaurants and shopping. Some experiences are not so easy to categorize, but are still meaningful. They may be all lumped in together, and then teased out as other connections are made.

Music wise, we may have thought we were born of the “wrong generation.” I always thought the older generation (i.e. 3 to 4 years older than me) had a richer and deeper experience.

But we, the beginning of the Baby Boomer generation, had it best – stable family life, rising expectations for the middle class and parents who wanted to give so much to their children, which most did not have in their childhood. We were left to play and roam outdoors to make our own fun. We had the best toys and the best music.

And yet we lived in tumultuous times – the Cold War, Civil Rights, Integration and the Kennedy Assassination through the killings of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

Hopefully we came out as loving, caring, sharing adults whose experiences made us better people and gave us the ability to show appreciation and gratitude for the neighborhood and experiences which enriched us and our loved ones.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I had swam in the Atlantic Ocean as a child before coming to Texas.  I remember being at the Bath House at White Rock Lake during the summer, but all my sources say the Lake was closed to swimming in 1953.

I learned to swim in the Dallas city pool at Casa View Elementary School.  It was a small pool, only three feet deep, but had lots of teenage volunteers to teach you how to swim.

Later on in North Oak Cliff, my wife, Carolyn, taught swimming lessons at the pool at Lida Hooe Elementary School at Hampton and 12th Street in North Oak Cliff.  Even later, that's where my two children, Rachel and Adam, learned to swim also.

A couple of times my parents took me to Vickery Pool, 740 Greenville Avenue EM-1-4987, just north of Park Lane.  Vickery was an unincorporated pool north of Dallas.  The whole park was on a slope with plenty of shade.

In 1957 Harry Stone Recreation Center at the corner of Milmar and Ferguson Road, just behind Casa View Methodist Church opened.  During the summer they had "free-swim" from 8 am - 10 am.  Us neighborhood kids were always there, leaving red-eyed when they kicked us out of the pool.  We always thought they used "us" to stir up the chlorine disinfectant chemicals.  A big treat after swimming was either a "frozen" Zero candy bar or an Eskimo Pie.

I earned my Red Cross Junior Lifesaving Badge at the Garland Community Pool near Duck Creek on Garland Road.

I earned my Senior Lifesaving Badge at the swimming pool at Old City Park near downtown.

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